Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Toni Blake Blogs!!


Hello there! First, I want to thank Debbie for inviting me to do a guest blog! Second, I’m thrilled to tell you that my novel, SWEPT AWAY, released on September 1, is the first full-length novel launching the steamy new Avon Red line! I’m super-happy about that honor and pleased with all the attention the book is getting!

What’s perhaps best of all is that this is truly a book of my heart. If you, by chance, haven’t heard that phrase before, it’s how authors sometimes refer to books they were really, really, really moved by and energized by and just HAD to write. Since sometimes in this business marketing trends and editors can occasionally end up dictating what directions your books take. Yeah, sad but true.

Now, fortunately for me, most of my books have totally been books of my heart, and as I said, SWEPT AWAY falls into that category. The only bad thing is, people keep asking me what inspired the book. And I think about all the deep, profound things I could say – like how the central message of the book is that marriage is sacred, or how it was Kat’s (my heroine) search for self, etc. etc. But what it comes down to is this:

I love the beach! I love the sun, I love the sand, I love the surf, I love everything about it (well, okay, except for the unpleasant things you sometimes find like dead, decomposing jellyfish – but fear not, I didn’t put any of those in the book ; ) )

So what inspired the book is simply: the beach. I think it’s a super-sensual setting (lots of glistening skin at the beach, after all) and the idea of putting two people with a “past” together on a private island and stranding them there strongly appealed : ) The rest grew from there and I’m proud to say this is actually my favorite book I’ve written – at least so far. Which proves, I guess, that you don’t have to have a deep, profound nugget of inspiration to turn out a story you love.

So … what places or settings most inspire YOU? Beaches? Mountains? A wintery landscape? And what are your favorite settings in romance novels? Inquiring authors want to know! ; )

I’m writing this about ten days before you’re reading it, by the way. I’ll be winging my way back from the Canadian Rockies right about that time, so Debbie has kindly offered to post this for me. But I’ll be popping in to see your responses and answer any questions! And I want to again thank Debbie for inviting me!


Stacy~ said...

Hey Toni :) I think nature in general inspires me, I'm just in awe, whether it's a beach, or the mountains, or the ocean. It's so amazing and majestic. And it reminds me of the bigger picture instead of just the cubicle I sit in at work.

I love exotic or different locations that haven't been done to death. The world is so vast, heck the U.S. alone has so many unexplored areas, and that's what I want to read about. I love learning about history or unusual or unknown places. That's what I want to see more of. Like the Canadian Rockies. I'm sure Toni you're an expert now LOL. I would seriously love to read a story set there.

Jennah said...

I'm all for exotic as well. I hope to write one set in Paris. The beach is a big inspiration for me as well. My book Along the Hibiscus Path is set on a tropical island. It's my favourite place to be. I've enjoyed reading about you, Toni. Best wishes.

Amanda Brice said...

I love exotic locations--places I've either never been or have been and love and would love to go back.

Kelley Nyrae said...

Hi Toni! I'm really excited for Swept Away!!

I love the beach as well. There's just something about the beautiful water that grabs me.

Toni Blake said...

You know, it's so interesting to hear you all say you like exotic locales, because in my experience, those *scare* publishers ; ) They're afraid no one wants to read about anyplace too unfamiliar or far away. So the next time I pitch a book with a more exotic setting, I'm going to tell them readers really do want something different sometimes : )

Also, thanks for looking forward to Swept Away, Kelley, and glad you enjoyed the blog, Jennah. Stacy, yep, I do have a Canadian Rockies idea beginning to form, but we'll see how that goes ; ) And thanks for commenting, Amanda : )

jodi said...

I'd heard publishers are afraid of exotic places too, and that was from an agent (who shall remain nameless) but I sure would like to see somewhere other than New Orleans and Seattle (the current "in" place).
I dunno...maybe somewhere like Singapore, or Tokyo...Edinburgh or Budapest. Someplace different. Congratulations on Swept Away!

Toni Blake said...

Thanks for the congrats, Jolinn!

Not long ago, I proposed a book set in Hawaii, which I didn't think was TOO exotic, being one of the 50 states and all, but was told the editor looking at it was nervous about the location. I still plan to try that one again, because I loved the story and it will really only work in that setting.

Myself, I'd like to see some modern European settings. And I've seen a few, but they're not the norm. I'd also love to see books set in more exotic beach locales like Tahiti or somewhere in the Caribbean.

Barb V. said...

I enjoy romance novels set in locales that have not been "done" to death. Chances are I'm never going to visit there, so it allows me do do a little armchair traveling. Once in a while a book is set in, or has some scenes in, an out of the way place I'm familiar with and that's always a nice little surprise. "Now You See Her" by Linda Howard starts with the heroine in Clayton, NY, which is a very small village 20 miles from me. I'm thinking how the heck does an Alabama gal know about this place. Then I read someplace that Linda's hubby is a professional bass fisherman, and Clayton has a big bass tournament every year. I'll remember that book forever because of that scene! I guess that goes to prove that everything/anything can be be research for a future book.

I am really looking forward to getting my hands on Swept Away. Amazon says they are shipping my copy on Sept. 6, so that means I should actually have it in three weeks -- too long!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Toni. I can't wait to read Swept Away. The excerpt that you posted on your website is such a tease. :P I'm a city girl at heart, so I enjoy reading stories set in big cities. I know that's done a lot, so I'm happy with that. I also enjoy "exotic" locations. I'm not very picky when it comes to the location, I suppose. :)


Toni Blake said...

Hi Barb : ) Thanks a bunch for pre-ordering Swept Away. You know, all along I thought it came out Sept. 1 and just a couple of days ago realized it's not until Sept. 5 - still a couple weeks away! Sorry you have to wait so long ; )

Interesting about that Linda Howard setting. I've set several books (older ones now) around Cincinnati, near where I live, in very particular neighborhoods, and people who are local really seemed to enjoy reading about a place they knew intimately.

And so true that ANYTHING can turn into research - sometimes I have no idea that something I've done or seen or a place I've been is going to make its way into a book, but then suddenly, there it is ; )

Toni Blake said...

Diana - I think city books are great, too! As a Midwestern girl, I always enjoy books set in places that feel a bit more "glamorous" than my own backyard. A lot of books are set in NY, but I always enjoy it since it always seems like such a "place to be" : )

Deb's Book Nook said...

Hi Everybody! Thanks for dropping by to chat today. Toni, it sounds like you will have a lot of people after your new book.

Sorry I haven't gotten here till now. I finally felt bad enough at work today that I broke down and went to the dr. Have a sinus infection and fluid in my ears, as usual. The unusual part was how swelled my face was. Looked like I gained 10 pounds just in my face. Yuck. Doc gave me a big shot of steroids and three prescriptions. Swelling is down some already and I've pretty much slept the late afternoon and evening away. Betty, my friend at the bookstore worked my shift at the store tonight. Sure is good having friends.

Hope you all have enjoyed the interview and chatting with Toni.

Toni, Thanks for being here!

jodi said...

Get some rest Debbie, I know we all look forward to your next blog. :) Hope you feel better

Cara North said...

Wow. This is a great post and I can not wait to get my hands on this book!
Sept 1st- marked on the calander!

Judy F said...

I loved your Cincinnati books. Its fun reading a scene and can picture it exactly...

I love out of the ordianary locales for some reason. Just to take a mini vacation in my mind is a treat

Jessica Odell said...

I just can't help myself....the dead, decomposing jellyfish (and other critters) were always some of the best things about going to the beach! Much more interesting than sunburns, saltwater in your eyes, and sand EVERYWHERE. Maybe that's why I ended up with a degree in Biology...

As for settings that inspire me? A week in the north Maine woods in January was quite amazing, as well as the Scottish Highlands.