Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Interview with Roxanne St Claire

I had the good fortune to be referred to Roxanne by the wonderful Nancy Berland. She sent me one of her books and I was so impressed I had to do an interview. Then I was able to meet this wonderful lady in person at the Atlanta RWA conference. She is just a friendly and nice in person as she is in her emails, not to mention so pretty!

Hope that you will enjoy our interview. Feel free to let us know what you think and if you would like to see more interviews here on the blog.

Now without further ado......INTERVIEW WITH ROXANNE ST. CLAIRE

Roxanne, Welcome to Deb's. We are so happy to have you with us!

Thank you! I’m delighted to be here to share my love for writing and romance.

First of all, please tell us a bit about yourself. Your family, background, etc.

That could be a long answer! I am a full-time writer, a mother of two (9 year old Mia & 13 year old Dante), happily married to a very funny, sexy, adorable guy (who cooks!), living on the east coast of Florida, following my lifelong dream of writing novels. Before I started writing, I spent 18 years in public relations and I’ve lived in Pittsburgh, L.A., Boston, and Miami. Oh, and this year I became a dog owner for the first time in my life and I am officially converted – I adore that doggie! She’s taught me a whole new kind of love and has really completed our little family.

For our readers not familiar with your wonderful work, tell us what kind of books you write.

I write in multiple genres – romantic suspense, short and long contemporary romance and chick lit. No matter what I write, I want the story to take the reader on a ride – a fun, wild, fast, surprising, compelling, sexy, humorous, emotional trip that makes them feel great when it’s over. That’s what I look for in a book, and that’s what I hope to deliver with every one I write.

Do you enjoy writing one style of book better than another or are they all enjoyable for you?

Some books are just more fun and easier to write than others, and it has nothing to do with the genre and everything to do with the magic of the idea and the characters. Writing a romantic suspense is very difficult because of the layers, the subplots, the loose threads that must be tied into a bow and my own determination to surprise and scare the reader while they are taking that romantic ride toward a happy ending. Writing a short contemp, like a Desire, is a wholly different kind of challenge – I want to keep it fast and fun and flirtatious, but not frivolous. There’s still an important story to tell, even if there isn’t a dead body anywhere in sight. I’ve only done one chick lit and it was so much fun! I would like to do another but haven’t had a chance to develop any ideas since the Bullet Catchers (my romantic suspense series) keep me busy, and I’ve had some opportunities to write some series books for Silhouette and Harlequin that were just to tempting to pass up.

Do you enjoy writing connected books? How do you keep with up with all the pertinent information on your recurring characters? Do you keep a log or perhaps a computer program to keep up with all the character info?

I’ve only started a truly connected series with the launch of the Bullet Catchers – an elite cadre of high end, superhot, fantastically talented bodyguards and security specialists run by a very cool former CIA agent. The first, KILL ME TWICE came out last year; the second, THRILL ME TO DEATH is out this summer. There are several more planned, including TAKE ME TONIGHT, which comes out next spring and more. I am starting to keep computer logs of each character I introduce because my memory is notoriously bad!

How long does it take you to write a book, including any research you do? Does it vary with each book according to the research needed? Do you have a favorite type of research or materials to use?

Each book is different and the amount of time is directly related to how well I know the story and characters before I start. Although my books ALWAYS change from synopsis to final product, sometimes my vision is really clear and sometimes I have to just trust my gut. I do try to produce at least four books a year, but some of those are short contemporaries or novellas.

Approximately how long does it take for you to see a book on the store shelves after you have completed it? Does this include any revisions or re-writes?

It takes between six and nine months from submission to release, depending on the publisher. Of course, I will see the manuscript many times after I first send it in. My editor may ask for revisions, and I review line and copy edits, galleys and page proofs. With one of my publishers, I’m very involved in the cover concepts and back cover copy, with the other I just see the packaging when it goes up on amazon!

How long have you been writing? Was this something you have always dreamed of doing? Did this evolve gradually or did you just jump right into writing?

I’ve written fiction my whole life, since I first got a typewriter for my 12th birthday. I’ve only ever written love stories and I’ve read them my whole life, too. When I hit a “certain age” I decided that it was time to try and write a book that was good enough to be published. I finished a manuscript in about four months (writing late at night, while my children slept) and it did very well in contests and helped me get my first agent. It never sold, but while my agent was shopping it, I wrote another and before I finished it, I knew in my heart it would sell. So, I did the one thing every writer is told not to do – I quit my day job. Fortunately, that book did sell and I’ve been writing full time ever since.

Have you held or hold outside jobs as well as being an author? Do you have a favorite or worst job?

I have worked since my sixteenth birthday and I don’t think I can ever remember a time, even in college, when I didn’t have a job. I’ve been a waitress, receptionist, television actress (I was on LaVerne & Shirley and Bosom Buddies!),a talk show hostess, a trade show model, a cable tv salesperson and…oh, let’s see…too many to mention. Shortly after graduating from UCLA with a degree in communications, I discovered the world of public relations and marketing and it was such a natural fit for me. I worked my way up the corporate ladder and held the position of Sr. VP of the largest PR firm in the world, and had my own agency for many years. The best and hardest job I’ve ever had is MOTHERHOOD. It takes everything I’ve got and more…and it is so rewarding!

What was your reaction when you saw your first book in print? I am sure it would be a very exciting experience.

The same reaction I had when a doctor handed me a six pounds of wet, writhing perfection. Oh my Gawd!! I MADE THAT!

Tell us about your newest July 2006 release, THRILL ME TO DEATH. I believe this is the next book in the Bullet Catcher series. Please tell us about this book and how it relates to the other books in the series. How many books are currently published in this series and what are they? Are there more in the works? Sure hope so!

THRILL ME TO DEATH is the second book in the Bullet Catcher series and I have several more planned. They do not have to be read in order; it’s important that each book, even in a connected series, stands alone. There are recurring characters, so it’s fun to visit the “world” over and over again. THRILL ME TO DEATH is Max Roper’s story – a character I actually introduced in my debut novel, TROPICAL GETAWAY, as a DEA agent. He’s a Bullet Catcher now – a mountain of a man with a mile-wide moat around his heart. In every Bullet Catcher book, the hero is tested emotionally and physically. Max’s test is that he must protect – and secretly investigate – the only woman he’s ever loved, and lost. Their story is emotional as well as sexy, scary and just plain fun. I hope readers love it! I have another “mini Bullet Catcher” book coming out as part of a Christmas anthology later this year (it’s with superstar Linda Lael Miller, titled I’LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS) and another full-length story planned for April, 2007, called TAKE ME TONIGHT. And lots more in the works!

I was looking at your books being published this year and you have a tremendous amount of books coming out this year. You must be a very fast writer. Do you work on more than one project at a time?

I don’t know how fast I am, but I am focused and have an aggressive publication schedule for the next few years. I don’t usually work on more than one “fresh” book (the one in the actual “creation” phase) at a time, but I certainly have to stop one book to review copyedits on another, or write a proposal for a third. I keep myself organized with a two year production calendar on my wall so, at a glance, I can see all the work I have scheduled and committed. I also track my daily page production and am religious about deadlines. I don’t have any problem getting my “butt in the chair” to write – on the contrary, I have to remind myself to get out and LIVE.

How long did it take you to be published? How many books do you have out now and does this include your new July 2006 release THRILL ME TO DEATH?

I’ve been writing with the intent to get published since 2000; I sold my first book in 2002 and it was released in 2003. I’ve sold or contracted to write 18 books since then. THRILL ME TO DEATH is my eleventh novel.

If you were starting over, would you do anything different on your road to publication?

Yes, I would have started about ten years sooner. I should have known then that I wanted to do this with my life, but I had no idea that “mere mortals” could write and sell books. My brother broke the code when he wrote a novel and sold it in hardcover to Bantam Books. (Called DEADSPIN, written under the name of Gregory Michael MacGregor.) That really inspired me to give this dream a shot and I still can’t believe that I did it.

What advice would you give a new writer?

To remember that persistence is every bit as important as talent. Rejection is part of the job and you have to have thick skin and an unbelievable amount of self confidence. And that if you are a writer in your heart, in your head, in your soul…then you will write. Study the market, understand the business and make the time to write, even if it’s 4:00 AM. (That’s when I wrote my first published novel.) And be professional and kind to everyone – it all comes back to you someday.

With your busy writing schedule, do you find time to read? Could you share a few of your favorite authors or books with our readers?

I don’t read as much as I’d like to because I cannot read when I’m in the middle of a book and, as you noticed, I’m ALWAYS in the middle of a book. I love the top romantic suspense authors like Linda Howard and Sandra Brown. I also love to read biographies. I am a newspaper addict – four are delivered to my home every day and that takes up a lot of reading time.

Do you feel your writing has been influenced by any other authors? If so, who and how did they make an impact on your writing style?

I cut my teeth on the big, glitzy books of the ‘70’s and 80’s – Sidney Sheldon, Judith Krantz, even old Danielle Steel. Then I discovered Nora Roberts and Sandra Brown and I loved the level of suspense they introduced to a romance and the way that suspense can just send chills down your spine. I don’t think I am influenced by authors as much as inspired by writers who can consistently produce terrific books and create memorable characters. It makes me believe I can do it, too.

Give us an example of a typical day in your life. Do you try to keep to a specific writing schedule or number of pages written per day?

I write every minute my kids are in school and try to produce one finished scene per day. After they leave for school and I walk my dog and read my papers, I hit the computer, warm up with a little email and then re-read and revise yesterday’s scene. If that goes well, I’m usually starting a new one by 11 and I write straight through until 2:30. Then (and only then!) do I shower and dress, while my husband picks up the kids from school. Sometimes I pick them up because I have to get out or do something at their school. From 3:00 through evening, I am in Mom Mode – supervising homework, getting them to extracurricular activities, whatever. I am BLESSED in that my husband, who is retired, shops and cooks EVERY NIGHT. And he’s a gourmet chef! After my kids go to bed, I usually hit my office again and work until 11 or 12. Then I crash and get up to do it all over again!

Do you have any specific things you use to set the mood for your writing? A certain soundtrack, candles, or do you write better when things are quiet?

I have to have quiet – music will distract me. Everything distracts me, so I usually cut myself off and don’t even answer the phone when I’m writing. I cannot really start a book until I have two things: a picture of the hero and a title I love. Once I’ve found the hero, I keep him close by at all times. He is my muse!

Do you have any hobbies or any special treat you allow yourself when you need to unwind after a hard day? I know chocolate works wonders for me!

I prefer my indulgence in a bottle -- I like a glass of Kendall Jackson chardonnay! Around six or so, the kids are usually done with homework and they are swimming or fishing on our dock or off to sports practice and I like to pour a glass of wine and watch maestro cook a magnificent meal! That’s when I talk about my book and, very often, work out a plot problem if something’s bothering me.

Has anything been different than you expected about the publishing and promo part of your books? What do you consider the best part?

The surprising thing is how many books it takes to really create a name in the business. Lots of writers think the world changes with the first sale. It does, but in a different way than you expect. There is far more pressure to make subsequent sales and a tough audience to please – real readers who have paid money for entertainment. The best part of my job? Hearing from readers is the very best part…and falling in love over and over and over and over again! I’m definitely a “love junkie” so being a romance writer is the perfect life for me.

Roxanne, thanks so much for taking time out to chat and share a bit of your life with us! Continued good luck in your writing career. We will be watching for more of your wonderful books!

You can learn more about Roxanne and her books at her website

Roxanne will be my guest blogger here on Saturday. She will be posting and taking questions and comments so please come on down and chat with us!


jodi said...

This is absolutely, the very best interview I have ever read. Thank you Debbie and Roxanne. I like the way you go into so much depth, and I like the insightful nature of your comments. *squee!*

Stacy~ said...

GREAT interview Debbie. Loved your questions. I hope I remember to stop by on Saturday.

Kristen Painter said...

Rocki is not only a fabulous writer, but a wonderful, encouraging person to boot. She's always got a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye. How can you not love a woman like that?

Great interview!

Pam P. said...

Great interview, Deb and Roxanne!

Babe King said...

Thanks- what a great interview. Any friend of Kristen's can't be all bad. ;-)

Playground Monitor said...

I got to hang out with Rocki a little in Atlanta -- lunch one day and dancing at the Harlequin party. Boy can that woman shake a tail feather. *g* And she writes well too. HA! That's an understatement if I've ever made one.

Great interview!


Stacy Dawn said...

Awesome interview!

Cryna said...

What an great interview. I so enjoyed it, and hope to be able to make it back here on Saturday.


blueberri said...

What a perfect interview! It had all the want-to-know questions in it.

I'm reading Rocki's THRLL ME TO DEATH and am loving the way she tells a story! My favorite thing to look for is her twists! Rocki never fails to surprise me when I am trying to figure the plot out. :) And she gives me such images! Her books come back to me long after I have read them.

Deb's Book Nook said...

Thanks for the nice comment on the interview.

Your description of her books is right on the money. I will be remembering these for a long time!

Dannyfiredragon said...

Great interview. Roxanne is a really nice lady, I had the pleasure to meet her at my first booksigning ever in Tampa.

Judy F said...

great interview. Hope you get a chance to do more

Jessica Odell said...

Fantiastic to see a full interview, Rocki! I have just found Thrill Me To Death at the UK amazon site (I never know when I can get copies in print) and will be placing my order as soon as I finish this comment! You know me....always buying books. And I STILL owe you feedback!! I'll write, and send pics of my new dog, Loki.

Deb...keep up the good work, I'm bookmarking the blog!


Terry Odell said...

Roxanne's one of those people who always has time to answer a question, offer advice, or just commiserate when you get another rejection letter. I've seen 'interviews' that bordered on monosyllabic, but Rocki gives it her all.

This is a great site -- and I'll be visiting again.

Lisa Pulliam said...

Wonderful interview, thank you so much for sharing!

Jodi said...

Great interview! Wonderful questions! Keep up the good work on your new blog!