Saturday, November 04, 2006

The Writer’s Psyche - by Kimberly Dean

A lot has been written about the writer’s process. What readers might not know is that there’s also a psychological process that authors go through as we fight to get our ideas down on paper. Basically, it’s an emotional rollercoaster ride.

Stages: Writer’s Frame of Mind
1) The Great Idea: Oh, I’m so creative. This is going to be fantastic.
2) The Blank Page: Scary! I’ve got nothing to work from. No words to move around and manipulate. Make it go away.
3) Chapters 1-3: Hey, this is starting off pretty well. It’s going to be awesome.
4) Chapters 4-6: Hmm, this is getting tough. Why is everything slowing down? Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea after all.
5) Chapters 7-10: This sucks.
6) Chapters 11-14: I’m never going to finish! It stinks, but I have to turn something in.
7) Chapters 15-18: Finally. My muse is back. This ending is rolling.
8) Finished Manuscript: Oh, what a relief. I’m done, and it’s actually halfway decent.
9) Waiting for Edits: What is my editor thinking? I think she hates it. She’s going to ask for a total rewrite, I just know it!
10) Edits: Ack! Red ink all over… but wait! These edits aren’t so bad… and she said she loves it!
11) Final submission: This is the best thing I’ve ever written. Maybe I should think about a sequel!

I’m currently at Stage 6. Help!


Deb's Book Nook said...

Hi Kim! Welcome to BookstoreDebs! Enjoyed your post and it sure makes me glad that I am just the bookseller not the author. Hang in there. It will all come together.

Cathie said...

Hi Kimberly! So nice to meet you!!! I'm one of those readers who asks for more books of other characters from the story, so I often as a reader will hope for more of #11!

Kimberly for that 11 steps you go through, which one is the longest for you and most difficult? Do they get easier the more you write?

jodi said...

I loved your interview, and I hope you get to the "end" really soon! :)

Kimberly Dean said...

Hi Cathie,

It's nice to meet you, too! Interesting question. I think that Stage 6 lasts the longest, at least for me. It just feels like it plods away, and I want so badly to get to the finish. Of course, like kids waiting for Christmas, it never seems to come quickly enough. I'm getting there, though!


Kimberly Dean said...

Hi Jolinn,

I hope I get there, too! LOL


blueberri said...

Kim, You're right on! :) You go, girl!