Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Back from the land of computer doom!

So sorry not to have updated the blog lately. Been without a computer at home for almost two weeks. Not just one computer down, that would be bad enough, but no, both had to had hard drive crashes! What a fun two weeks I have, NOT, talking to Dell and my ISP provider trying to get the problem solved and new cd's sent to me. Did all the talking with the experts help. NOPE, not this time. My heroines are my friend Mary, the head librarian for our local branch and my best friend since grade school Betty. Between the two of them, I was able to go around the problem and get back online. Thanks girls! You qualify for the hero medal in my book!

I'll try to get the interview with Linda Lael Miller up tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks for your patience!

1 comment:

jodi said...

being without a computer sucks. :(